How I Stay Focused: My 3-Level Plan with NotePlan and the 12-Week Year

Hey Reader,

I hope this email finds you thriving!

As a part-time internet entrepreneur and parent, staying on task and keeping my side-hustle projects moving forward is a constant struggle. Sometimes I feel like I'm juggling a thousand things at once—my jay job, running a side-hustle business, raising kids, helping my wife manage the household (or at least staying out of her way) — and it can be tough to stay focused, especially when there are so many distractions. Honestly, even writing this newsletter was a bit of a battle against procrastination!

But one thing that’s really helped me stay on track is using the famous 12-Week Year strategy with NotePlan. If you haven’t heard of the 12-Week Year, it’s a system designed to help you accomplish more in 12 weeks than most people do in 12 months (here's the book). Pretty bold, right? When I combine that framework with NotePlan, I’ve found that it helps me cut through the noise and focus on what really matters every single day.

Why I Needed a Better System

If you’re like me, balancing a full-time job, side-hustles, and family life means your discretionary time is incredibly limited. So, staying on task and being productive isn’t just a “nice-to-have”—it’s essential if I’m going to make real progress on my side-hustle goals. There’s no time to waste wondering, “What should I work on today?” or getting caught up in distractions. I needed a system that not only kept me organized but also gave me clarity and focus.

Enter This app has been a total game-changer for how I plan my weeks and execute my daily tasks. It pairs perfectly with the 12-Week Year strategy by helping me create a simple structure: quarterly, weekly, and daily plans that keep me focused on the right things at the right time.

Quarterly, Weekly, and Daily: My 3-Level Plan

1. Quarterly Plan: Mapping Out the Next 12 Weeks

The beauty of the 12-Week Year is that it breaks down your big, annual goals into smaller, more achievable chunks. Every quarter (or 12-week cycle), I set 3-5 key goals that I want to hit. These goals are ambitious but focused on what I can realistically achieve in 12 weeks without losing my mind!

Using NotePlan’s Quarterly Notes, I lay out those goals clearly, giving each project its own note and breaking it down into milestones. For example, I might have a goal to launch a new course or create a series of podcast episodes. Each milestone in NotePlan comes with deadlines, so I can see exactly what needs to happen by the end of each week. This structure keeps me grounded and makes sure I’m always working toward something specific.

2. Weekly Plan: Turning Big Goals into Weekly To-Dos

Once my 12-week goals are set, I turn them into weekly priorities. Sunday evenings are usually when I sit down (in between laundry and making sure everyone’s ready for the week ahead) to map out what’s coming up. I pull up my NotePlan Weekly Notes and ask myself: “What do I absolutely need to get done this week to stay on track?”

I usually limit this to 3-4 big tasks that, if completed, will make the week a success. For instance, writing a few newsletter drafts, recording a podcast episode, or scheduling out my social media content. With NotePlan’s Checklist feature, I can outline the individual steps for each task. This way, I know exactly what to do without getting bogged down by too many tiny details. It also helps me stay focused on my side-hustle while keeping up with family commitments.

3. Daily Plan: Keeping the Focus Tight

Here’s where things get real. As much as I’d love to say my days are perfectly planned, the reality of being a part-time entrepreneur and parent means every day is different. Some days, I’m lucky if I get a solid hour to focus on my side-hustle. That’s where NotePlan’s Daily Notes really shine.

Each morning (or the night before if I’m really on top of things), I look at my weekly plan and pull out the top 3-5 tasks I need to focus on. These tasks go straight into my daily plan. The beauty of this is that I don’t waste time deciding what to do next. I know exactly what’s important and what needs my attention, which helps me avoid distractions like checking email or getting sucked into social media rabbit holes.

I also use NotePlan’s integration with my calendar to schedule specific time blocks for each task. For instance, if I know I only have two hours between meetings and helping the kids with homework, I’ll make sure those two hours are spent working on my most important task of the day. This makes me feel like I’m winning, even on the busiest of days.

Managing Multiple Projects Without Losing My Mind

Let’s face it—juggling multiple projects is hard. Between launching products, creating content, and managing everything else, it can feel overwhelming. But with NotePlan, I’ve been able to keep it all organized.

Each project has its own dedicated note, where I track everything from big deadlines to small to-dos. What’s really cool is how NotePlan lets me link notes and tag tasks, so I can easily cross-reference related projects. For example, if I’m working on a podcast episode that ties into a larger marketing campaign, I can connect those two notes and see how everything fits together. It’s like having a bird’s-eye view of my entire side-hustle without getting lost in the weeds.

The Real Game-Changer: Reducing Distractions and Uncertainty

One of the biggest benefits I’ve experienced using this system is the clarity it gives me. I no longer spend time wondering, “What should I do next?” or second-guessing my priorities. It’s all laid out for me in my quarterly, weekly, and daily plans. This structure has helped me reduce distractions, and because I know exactly what I need to do each day, I can dive right into my work with confidence.

It’s also made a big difference in my personal life. With less mental clutter, I’m more present with my family and less stressed about the work I need to get done. When you’re managing both a business and a family, that sense of control and balance is priceless.

Final Thoughts: Why You Should Give It a Try

If you’re like me—a part-time entrepreneur trying to make the most of limited time—I highly recommend giving the 12-Week Year strategy a shot. And if you pair it with a tool like, you’ll have everything you need to stay organized and focused, no matter how crazy life gets.

It’s been a game-changer for me, helping me make consistent progress on my side-hustles while managing everything else in my life. So, if you’re looking for a way to cut through distractions and get real work done, this might just be the system you need.

Until next time, keep pushing forward. Your next breakthrough could be just one experiment away!

Warm regards,

Mark Mason


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