Super Bowl Inspiration: From Chips & Dips to Amazon Trips 🎉

Dreaming Of $100K

The $100K Dream: Closer Than You Think

Hey Late Night Dreamers,

Many of us venture into the online business world with a big, shining goal in our minds: hitting that coveted $100K a year milestone. In fact, it's amazing to me how many people start with that goal in particular.

It sounds like a mountain of cash, doesn't it? A number that signifies success, freedom, and having made it. But let's break it down and demystify this dream. When you do the math, $100K a year translates to about $273 a day. Suddenly, that mountain seems more like a hill, doesn't it?

Breaking It Down: $273 a Day

Achieving a daily income of $273 might sound daunting at first, but when you consider all the amazing opportunities available online, it's more achievable than you might think. Most online opportunities are open for business 24 hours a day. If you have an average of just one transaction per hour each day, we're taking less than $30 per hour to his your goal.

Let's explore a few examples:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Imagine promoting products you believe in and earning a commission for every sale through your link. With the right niche and audience, generating $273 a day is within reach with just a few sales, depending on the commission rate. Better still, you can get sales based on content that you created years ago (I do this), so it creates an affiliate marketing snowball that gets bigger as it rolls downhill.
  2. E-commerce: Selling products online through platforms like Shopify, Amazon or Etsy can help you reach that daily goal. Whether it's handcrafted goods, dropshipping, or print-on-demand, a combination of product sales can quickly add up. My 14-year-old son and I generated more than $50K one summer dropshipping, and I'm starting a print-on demand t-shirt shop with his younger sister this summer.
  3. Online Courses: If you have expertise in a particular area, why not create a course? Selling just a handful of courses a day, depending on the price, could easily bring you to that $273 mark. I have a course coming this Spring, so stay tuned for that.
  4. Content Creation: Through platforms like YouTube or a monetized blog, creating engaging content can generate income through ads, sponsorships, and patron donations. It's a game of numbers and engagement, but entirely feasible. It takes a long time, but like affiliate marketing, this sort of income can grow and grow.

The Power of Persistence

The key to reaching that $100K a year goal is consistency and persistence. It's about building a solid foundation, understanding your audience, and providing value that keeps people coming back. Yes, there will be challenges and learning curves, but every entrepreneur's journey is paved with these stories.

Your Next Step

Dreaming of making $100K a year from your online business isn't just wishful thinking—it's a tangible goal. And the best part? You don't have to go at it alone. If you're ready to start or scale your online business but aren't sure where to begin, I've got you covered.

👉 Check out my completely free 'Build Your Own Internet Business' videos. I break down the complexities of internet business into terms you can understand, offering actionable steps to get you closer to that $100K dream, one day at a time.

Do You Need Some Help?

Great news for those ready to elevate their online business game! I'm opening up my schedule for one (or maybe two) complementary no-strings-attached coaching sessions. I'm offering them on a complimentary basis to dedicated entrepreneurs just like you. It's a rare opportunity for personalized, expert guidance aimed at turbocharging your digital marketing efforts and scaling your business to new heights.

How to Apply:

Given the tailored approach of these sessions, availability is super limited, and I'll be selecting participants through an application process. This ensures a perfect fit—individuals who are not just passionate about their online journey but are also prepared to dive deep and maximize this opportunity. If you're committed to achieving breakthrough success and ready to embrace the work ahead, I encourage you to apply. Together, we can unlock your potential and chart a course for extraordinary achievements.

👉 Apply for Your Complimentary Coaching Slot Here​

Don't let this chance slip through your fingers. Apply now, and let's embark on a transformative journey to success.

Sharpen Your Marketing Skills

Have you ever thought about what a set of knives can teach you about sales and digital marketing? Let me take you on a journey back to my college days in Texas, where my adventure with Cutco cutlery began. Selling these knives through Vector Marketing was more than just a job; it was where I mastered the art of pinpointing the ideal audience and crafting a pitch sharp enough to cut through any skepticism.

But why am I reminiscing about knife sales in a digital marketing newsletter? Because the lessons I learned back then are incredibly relevant to the challenges we face in the digital world today. From the art of the assumed close to transforming objections into opportunities, these skills are timeless. I'll share how these strategies have not only helped me in the early days but also how they apply to my work in tech at IBM and even in the complex semiconductor industry.

This episode is packed with insights that are as useful today as they were back in my Cutco days. We'll explore how the principles of direct sales can boost your digital marketing efforts, turning rejections into clicks and conversions.

So, whether you're here for the nostalgia or the nuggets of wisdom, I'm glad you're joining us. And remember, I'm always here to hear your stories, offer advice, or just chat about our late-night marketing escapades. The essence of our journey is built on every referral, every sale, and every success story we share.


Chip, Dips and Touchdowns

Let me share a quick tale about inspiration striking during the Super Bowl and leading to my latest Amazon FBA adventure. Picture this: Super Bowl Sunday, surrounded by friends, the game's intensity on screen, and snacks on the table. That's when it hit me – every great game needs a great chip and dip bowl!

Fast forward through some product research magic with Jungle Scout, and I've found not just any bowls, but the perfect chip and dip bowls, ready for me to buy and send into Amazon FBA. Jungle Scout was instrumental, offering insights into market demand, competition, and potential profitability. It's like having a front-row seat to the hidden dynamics of consumer demand.

These aren't just bowls; they're a result of spotting an everyday need during one of America's biggest sporting events. Now, they're on their way to becoming someone's game-day centerpiece, thanks to a blend of inspiration and data-driven decision-making.

If you're ever wondering whether your next big idea is just a Super Bowl party away, let this story be your inspiration. And if you're curious about turning those ideas into reality, I can't recommend Jungle Scout enough.

👉 Ready to find your Super Bowl-inspired product? Dive into Jungle Scout and start your journey.

Share Your Goals

There's something incredibly powerful about sharing your goals with others. It's like setting your intentions out into the universe, but instead of the universe, it's the people around you who keep you anchored to your aspirations. For me, this came into sharp focus recently with my daughter's dream of starting a t-shirt shop. It's a brilliant idea that perfectly aligns with my own goals of expanding my online presence and expertise.

Sharing this journey with my daughter has been a revelation. It's one thing to chase your dreams solo, but it's another to have someone right there beside you, intertwined with your ambitions. It's a mutual motivation pact – she keeps me focused on our shared goal, and I do the same for her. This collaboration has added an extra layer of accountability that I hadn't anticipated but now wouldn't trade for the world.

This experience has reminded me the value of getting "tangled up" with people who want to see you succeed. It's about building a network of support, where your success is their success, and vice versa. It's transformative. Suddenly, you're not just working for yourself; you're part of a team, a collective force moving toward a common goal. It's a beautiful thing.

So, if you're sitting on a goal or a dream, I encourage you to share it with someone. Find those who not only want to see you succeed but are willing to walk the path with you. Whether it's family, friends, or like-minded individuals, having a support network can be the difference between faltering and flourishing.

See you next week!



P.S. Remember, every big goal starts with a single step, and every entrepreneur's journey begins with a dream. Sharing that dream can transform it from a solitary pursuit into a shared adventure, multiplying your motivation and accountability. If my daughter's t-shirt shop dream is teaching me anything, it's that intertwining your goals with those who support you can turn aspirations into achievements. So don't keep your dreams to yourself; share them, nurture them with others, and watch as they grow stronger and more attainable. Let's not just dream of success—let's make it a reality, together.


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And now, a kind word from our attorney. His nickname is "Killer." Not sure why. 😀

Please Read My Affiliate Disclaimer:

I believe in affiliate marketing because it gives me a way to help people profitably. From time to time, I will promote, endorse, or suggest products and/or services for sale that are not my products. I'm pretty picky and my recommendation is always based on my personal belief that the product will provide excellent value to you and your business. In most cases, I will be compensated via a commission or gift when you decide to purchase that product based on my recommendation. In some cases, I might receive the product for free for review purposes, or just to use. In many cases, I promote products that I actually use in my business (like ConvertKit, the service that sent you this email). That ConvertKit link is an affiliate link. If you sign up for ConvertKit using that link, I get a commission. Make sense?​

Here's a really important thing:

Please don't interpret anything in this email as some sort of promise or guarantee of your future earnings. My results are not typical. We've been at this for more than a decade. You could say I am an expert when it comes to online business. This means I have an advantage over most people. I can tell you this -- success takes hard work. Nothing in life or business comes easy or with any guarantees.

By following my recommendations you always agree to do your OWN due diligence before making any purchases, whether we recommend them or not. Never, EVER purchase anything that you cannot afford. Avoid purchasing products that do not have a clearly stated Guarantee, or that promises quick or ridiculous results. And always wear your seatbelt. And take your vitamins.

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You are receiving this newsletter because you are a customer or you submitted your email address on one of my websites (probably in exchange for free information). My goal with these newsletters is to continue delight and help you, and I hope you are happy to hear from me.

I hope this never happens, but the day might come when it's time to part ways. If you're ever ready to say goodbye forever, just click the permanent unsubscribe link below. No hard feelings, we'll still be best friends from afar. But be warned, once you click that link, there's no turning back. It's like breaking up with a significant other, it's for good. So think carefully before you click that link, because once you do, our relationship will be changed irreversibly. The choice is yours! You've been warned.

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